Mobile Rewards software is becoming the new BIG Trend in reward marketing. The old way of marketing using email is starting to fade. Many companies are catching on the this trend, and customers are ecstatic.

FBM Rewards is acute to mobile rewards marketing and is jam packed, with every possible angle, to maximize your business or white label profits with our mobile integration.

Mobile Rewards Automation Benefits

FBM Rewards takes full advantage of the SMS text messaging using state-of-the-art automation tools. Anybody can provide SMS marketing to a business, but FBM Rewards takes it one step further and automates the entire marketing process.

Let’s be honest; it is fun to text and drive business fast, but do you want to text every customer, every week? The flux of traffic to a business can be overwhelming and unsteady. Not to mention, you have to remind yourself to send the SMS each week.

If you are a white label distributor, the need to call the business and ask what promotion they would like to promote. This is a lot work that can be automated and if you’re a distributor, it’s not very scalable.

State of the Art Mobile Rewards Software

FBM uses state of the art automation to keep your life simple. We automate the entire mobile rewards package. We take viable, detailed information from your clients/customer and automate the marketing process, send viable offers to keep repeat business consistent.

Forget the peaks and valley’s of business; drive consistent business on autopilot. Learn more about our rewards program software and automate your business.


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