In case you have been living in a hole, you know loyalty program software’s are exploding like zits on a 15 year old kid! Every leading company is taking a bite into the online technologies that are revolutionizing local businesses as we know. So, the big question, are you going to jump on board? Below is a nice checklist to use when choosing a loyalty software.

Loyalty Program Software Checklist

1. Does the software provide the ability to send email and text messaging?
2. Does the software have a smart phone application?
3. Does the software have online access to view reward statistics?
4. Does the software allow you the ability to create promotions?
5. Does the software allow you to send custom surveys?
6. Does the software allow Point of Sale (POS) integration?
7. Does the software allow smart trigger automation?
8. Does the software have unlimited transactions?
9. Does the software have a refer a friend program?
10. Does the software let you customize to your liking?

This is just the beginning; if you start with a loyalty software that is behind the curve, ultimately, your business will fall behind the curve or you will be forced to find a new software provider. If you ask me, that sounds like a huge headache. I’m sure you would rather find a company you comfortable with that you know is growing with the times.

Loyalty Program Software Options

Learn more about our software and feel free to contact us at any time. You can reach us by Live chat, phone call or sending in a contact form.

If you’re with a rewards company that your unhappy with, just note, we can import all contacts information (even point count) and have you up and running in no time. FBM takes no shortcuts. Join a company that will provide you with complete:

  1. Custom Reward Point Setup
  2. Unlimited Emailing
  3. SMS Packages
  4. Social Integration
  5. Powerful Custom Surveys
  6. Referring a Friend Tools
  7. Custom Coupons/Offers Creation
  8. Automation Triggers
  9. Web Signup Forms
  10. Shortcode Signup
  11. Mobile Apps
  12. Reward Point Levels

FBM believes we have the most powerful loyalty program software on the market. We do not believe we have missed anything, but if we have, let us know and we’ll custom build your solution.

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